Bug Fix Deluxe Ultra Voice Changer apk Fast Download

Bug Fix Deluxe Ultra Voice Changer apk Fast Download

Deluxe Ultra Voice Changer apk

Deluxe Ultra Voice Changer apk Description

Deluxe Ultra Voice Changer apk | If you get abnormal playback results, even with the Normal voice effect, your
device may not be able to record properly in stereo mode. To rule this out, within the app, try selecting the 44100 mono (or 22050 mono) recording mode, via Menu->Prefs.

Note: Dalek voices are actually labeled as: Cyborg I, Cyborg II, and Cyborg III in the actual app.

NOTE: When recording, try using different recording volume levels (look for the recording volume control within the app) in order to find the levels that work best for your device. The default recording level of 1 may not be optimal for your device, so you may need to play around with that setting to get good recordings..

If you hear excessive static during playback, try lowering your recording volume and make a new recording using this lower recording volume setting.

If you are unable to record audio using this app, try the following:

CHECK 1: Speak closely into the microphone.

CHECK 2: Raise the speaker volume on your phone/device.

CHECK 3: Raise the recording volume from within the app.

CHECK 4: Also, if you have a bluetooth headset and you are not able to record audio or just get static, try turning your bluetooth headset off and see if that resolves the issue.

CHECK 5: From within the app, try selecting a different audio recording rate, via Menu->Prefs. Supported audio recording rates include: 44100 stereo, 22050 stereo, 11025 stereo, 44100 mono, 22050 mono, 11025 mono, 48000 stereo, 48000 mono, 8000 mono. Depending on your device, only a subset of these recording rates may be available to you.

If you have a question or issue, post them to the following discussion forum:

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30 Total Voice Effects !

Robot 1-5 (Cylon and other scifi robots),Alien 1-4(Goauld,Asgard),Backwards,Bee,Chipmunk,Cyborg 1-4(Daleks,Cybermen),Deep,Deep Metallic(Darth Vader),Echo,Fast Backwards(foreign language),Fast Normal,Freaky 1-2,Helium(Despicable Minion),Hyper,Metallic,Possessed,Saw-Man(Jigsaw),Slow Backwards,Slow Normal

You can hear some of the robot voice effects on youtube:


WARNING: If you email audio files using this app, keep in mind that a 1 minute audio file will be about 1.3 megabytes in size. Unless you are on an unlimited data plan with your carrier, you may want to minimize sending audio recordings using this app.

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