Bug Fix PokéCalc Master Edition apk Latest Version

Bug Fix PokéCalc Master Edition apk Latest Version

PokéCalc Master Edition apk

PokéCalc Master Edition apk Description

PokéCalc Master Edition apk | PokéCalc is the new calculator for Pokémon games.
Successor of my previous app, Pokémon IV Calculator, PokéCalc includes a lot of improvement
requested by the users.

With PokeCalc now you can:
- calculate the Individual Values (IV) of your pokémon, by selecting your pokémon species, input
the level, nature, stats and now also characteristic and best stat for more accurated results
- calculate the Hidden Power (HP) type and strength of your pokémon, by direct input of the IVs
or from the result of the IVs calculation
- calculate the Stats of your pokémon, for comparing them against the lower bound (0 IV and 0 EV)
and upper bound (31 IV and 255 EV) for that pokémon at the chosen level

Other features of this app:
- new better pokémon selection screen, now with improved search (find any pokémon names containing the
specified query), filter by generation (view 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th generation pokémon), sort result
by pokedex number or pokémon name in ascending or descending order
- input stats validation
- display pokémon names in 7 languages (English, Italian, French, German, Japanese, Korean and now also Spanish)
so that if you are playing a foreign game you can find easily the pokémon you are searching for

This application is actually translated in the following languages:
- English
- Italian
- German
More languanges will come soon.

This calculator can be used for every 3rd, 4th and 5th generation Pokémon game:
- Pokémon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald (R/S/E)
- Pokémon Fire Red / Leaf Green (FR/LG)
- Pokémon Diamond / Pearl / Platinum (D/P/Pt)
- Pokémon Heart Gold / Soul Silver (HG/SS)
- Pokémon Black / White (B/W)
- Pokémon Black 2 / White 2 (B2/W2)

Note that the formula used to calculate the IVs give you an estimate of the real IVs values, the higher the level
of your pokemon, the better the result.
For more accurate results input also EVs, Characteristic and Best stat.
You can know your pokémon best stat by speaking to the Stats Judge (you can find him in the Battle Tower for 4th
generation games, and in the Gear Station for 5th generation games).

This is NOT a game! If you download this application hoping to play to a Pokémon game you are wrong,
this is only a calculator to be used with the real games.
Make yourself a favor, go buy a real Nintendo GBA/DS/3DS and a Pokémon game.

This application is available in two versions:
- PokéCalc Trainer Edition, free ads support version
- PokéCalc Master Edition, paid version

This application doesn't use any copyrighted materials, only public domain information.
No logo, picture or sprite, nothing from the original games was used.
Pokémon is a trademark of Nintendo / The Pokémon Company.

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 11:54 AM and have 0 comments

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